What is a lifetime mortgage?
What is a lifetime mortgage? Lifetime mortgages are the most popular type of equity release plan. They work by giving homeowners access to some of the value, or ‘equity’, tied up in their property. Unlike a conventional mortgage, which runs for a fixed term, a lifetime mortgage is designed to run for the rest of

How To Fund The Purchase Of A New Property With An Equity Release Scheme
How To Fund The Purchase Of A New Property With An Equity Release Scheme The advantages of equity release being used to raise capital from property have been widely advertised. It is commonly known that their uses have been to enhance retirement lifestyles by way of home improvements, holidays, debt consolidation etc. However, a further

Deciding if equity release is right for you
Deciding if equity release is right for you If you’re aged 55 years or older, and a UK homeowner with a property worth at least £70,000, you could release equity. But whether or not it’s right for you will depend largely on your personal circumstances. If you agree with the statements below, then it could

Can you change your existing equity release product or alter it in the future?
Can you change your existing equity release product or alter it in the future? Yes, in most cases, equity release products can be changed or altered in the future, but this will depend on its specific terms and conditions. Some equity release products may allow for the loan to be repaid early, while others may

January Case Study
Mr. and Mrs. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Evans released £52,560 to settle an interest-only mortgage. Nearing the end of the term for their current interest-only mortgage and concerned about repaying the capital sum, Mr. and Mrs. Evans approached Giraffe Equity Release to discuss the various options available to them. They saw a Lifetime

Types of Care Care at home If someone wishes to stay in their own home, some changes may be necessary to allow this They may include: adapting a home, or moving to a more suitable property. If staying in their own home isn’t possible other options may include: living with

Already have an existing equity release plan?
Did you know that once you have had your existing equity release plan for 12 months you can look into changing it to see if you could access a better deal that wasn’t previously available to you? We can review your existing plan for free and with no–obligation to proceed – simply call

A Comparison Of Equity Release Rates In The UK
Are you a homeowner over the age of 55 and thinking about equity release? Below is a list of some of the most competitive rates available on the market today. To view features of the products, check your eligibility and find out how much tax free cash you could release, click ‘More Info’. If your

How to successfully job hunt after 50
Finding a new job after 50 can feel daunting. There are unique challenges that you simply don’t face when you are younger – your job-hunting skills may be rusty, your industry could be changing or you could be worried about potential age discrimination. But whether you want to change careers, are looking to get back

Lump sum vs drawdown
Lump sum vs drawdown When considering equity release, it’s important to understand your options, including the flexibility of how you get your tax-free cash With a lifetime mortgage, the most popular form of equity release, you can receive your money in a few ways, two of which are a lump sum or a drawdown.